
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

How to add Infolinks Related Tag Code in Blogger

Related tag is a new feature added by Infolinks. Related tag feature can increase your earnings and clicks while adding valuable informational within your website contents.

The Infolink will chose the best key words for the page and display them as tags within the related Tag cloud.

To add Infolinks related tag code in your blogspot blogs you need to do the following.

Log-in to your blogger account. on your dashboard click design button.

Now Click on Edit HTML tab.

Before changing any code please backup your code.
Check the check-box (Expand widget templates)

Copy the Code : <input type="hidden" name="IL_RELATED_TAGS" value="1"/>
Simply add the tag to the page code where you want the related tags cloud to appear.  Like If you want to add the related tag rite under your website heading as in my case place the code under the </header>.

And with in a minute related tag cloud will appear on your website.

Example of my page:

The tag requires the Infolinks script to be integrated in the page; the script will identify the tag in the code and insert the related tags.

Good Luck


  1. nice blog very informative

  2. hey thanks for this post I found the information on infolinks a little difficult to understand. But I am still having a problem getting this to work for my wife's blog. I put the code in the exact same spot as your blog mentioned but it still doesn't work. I'm ok with HTML but this I can;t figure out. Any ideas?? if you look at the blog I would like it under the banner. Thanks for looking.

  3. Hi, Have you tried to post the related tag code rite before the /* Posts tag in HTML ? Hope this will work.

  4. Hi, very helpfull post! Thanks a lot.

  5. how to place tag cloud below post title

  6. hey brother thanx for this helpul post, and now i suggest you to remove the navigation bar at the top of your header, visitors can easily neglect your blog and go to the other blog by just clicking "next blog". to do this , just go to your blog layout page and u will see the Navbar option at the top right side of the lay out page. click on "edit" and select "of" option and save.

  7. Great!
    Visit my blog
